Hey, everyone! As you can see from all the blog posts I have been posting in a spane of an hour, I am back in action. It feels rewarding doing blog posts once again, I just needed some momentum. In such a yucky, sticky hot climate (which LA is right now) it is hard to get the momentum to do anything. Let alone sitting down and concentrating on blog posts.
This next blog post has nothing to do with makeup, clothes, etc but more advice column type blog post. I think I have been watching a little too much Sex and the City but there is something weighing on my mind (no pun intending - you'll understand that when I start talking about it).
Weight. That is going to be the topic of discussion. Lord knows it has been for a couple weeks in my household.
I have been for years criticized or bullied or picked on because I am a little chubby not huge, I just have a little meat on my bones. Do I think I could lose 5 - 10 lbs and be happy? Sure, couldn't everyone? Maybe. But that's not my place to really say.
We live in a society that is fixated on people's appearance, which celeb has lost/gained weight and it's become bad enough that girls (my age or younger) feel they need to look how people look in the magazine. Parents, I feel from my own personal opinion care more than we do about ourselves.
But my thing is....it is NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Nobody's!! If you get comments like "oh, you should really lose a couple pounds?" "Why are eating that?" "Why aren't you exercising today or enough?", just think to yourself: are you happy with yourself? If the answer is "yes", ignore their comments. I know it is easier said than done but the moment you get rid of their negativity and their baggage, you'll feel freer and more apprecitive of what you have than before.
I struggle all the time with my emotions when people criticize me or say something that hurts my feelings. It is a challenge but once you get over the obstacle, they will no longer have any power over you :).
It annoys me when people comment on others' appearances.. it's more of an insecurity on their part but it's no reason to lash out at others. Like you said, if you're happy with yourself then that's all that matters. :)